silent cocktail

An exploration of silence as a dialectical presence which unsettles while, at the same time, legitimates itself in a world cluttered with words.

Usually defined as an absence, silence is, in this case, perceived as a presence that does not go unnoticed. Guests become performers of involuntary sounds as well as voluntary creators of silence, bearing witness to their own concert of existence that contains a universe of subtle sounds in which a vigorous exaltation of silence dwells.
Therefore, a silent cocktail is also a sound event and presents no resemblance to any other social meeting; its silence places it in an unforgettably futuristic sphere.

Duration: Between 30 and 60 minutes.






An idea taken from the book "Body language" by Julius Fast (Mass Market Paperback, 1970).

-Tenth Silent Cocktail. 12.19.07. Clausura de Literatura con Ñ. Paisajes literarios del siglo XXI en España. Cervantes Institute. Beijing. China.

-Ninth Silent Cocktail. 07.26.07. Festival d'Estiu de Deltebre. Bouesia 07. Deltebre. Tarragona.

-Eighth Silent Cocktail. 09.25.06. Sant Felip Neri Sq. La Mercè 06. BCN.

-Seventh Silent Cocktail. 11.03.04. Opening of Proposta Festival ’04. CCCB. BCN.

-Sixth Silent Cocktail. 02.07.03. Nits d’Aielo I Art Festival. Aielo de –
Malferit. Valencia.

-Fifth Silent Cocktail. 02.03.03. Escena Contemporánea Festival. Círculo de Bellas artes de Madrid.

-Fourth Silent cocktail. 02.02.02. Sala Montcada. La Caixa. BCN.

-Third Silent Cocktail. 07.26.99. Muted 99. A celebration of silence, the loudest
existing sound. Intermix – Arts en directe program. CCCB. BCN.

-Second Silent Cocktail. 03.26.98. Muted 98. A Factory of silences. Intermix – Arts en directe program. CCCB. BCN.

-First Silent Cocktail. 03.03.93. Traç de Sarrià. Atelier. BCN.



web design: cristina casanova
web master: jaume presas