cutting up the silence

Action aiming to achieve a continuous silence that can be cut with scissors. It involves obtaining a spatial silence that takes on the metaphoric form of invisible material that can be cut and whose measure unit is a “meter of silence.”

If the person performing the cutting action hears a single sound, he/she must stop walking, stop the action of cutting, and remain motionless.
The meters of silence that have been cut in the amount of time stipulated will be announced to the public at the end of the performance.

(Actions are numbered starting with # 1.)



CUTTING UP SILENCE # 4 On the occasion of the recording of the video The Silences of Venice, shot with Josep M. Jordana, innumerable meters of silence were cut in the Venice canals at dawn while the city slept.
The photographs belong to Patrizia Azuero. Josep M. Jordana filmed the video.

Three quotes

Il Silenzio complice della luna e della notte, è vivo e vibrante: E’per molti autori, la “voce” vera di Venecia, l’insieme armonioso e sugestivo dei fruscii, degli echi, dei suoni della notte.

…Dans la silencieuse Venise, la mort a un cachet plus grandiose qu’ailleurs. Le calme immense de cette immense ville donne l’illusion d’un vaste tombeau où toute vie est descendue pour n’en jamais sortir. (J. Foulhouze, Gerbe Roamaine)

Il silenzio non è solo solitudine, cessazione d’ogni suono, caratteristica della morte, ma como abbiamo già anticipato è il coro delle voci della vita, dell’amore; pensando a Byron, J. de la Hire cita:
"La volupté de Venise, c’est qu’on y trouve, plus intense qu’en aucun autre lieu du monde, l’enivrement combiné de l’Amour et de la Mort." (J. de la HIRE, A Venice, dans l’ombre de Byron)

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