A concert for drums that have been partially silenced with felt, performed on the balconies of one or several buildings.
In DRUMS OF SILENCE, a large group of percussion instruments, which are normally very loud, is the object of a partial but very important silencing, one that radically reduces their sonority and dramatically transforms their timbre. This silencing is achieved by covering the heads or membranes of the instruments with several layers of industrial felt.
The atmosphere that we look to create in these cases is one of the greatest quiet possible. For that, it is necessary to act in the place where the concert is carried out in clearly intentional ways, so we can hear the rumble of the muffled beating of the drums.
Once more, silence is summoned up by trying to create a unique acoustic situation that will not go unnoticed, a situation that is an aim in itself as well as a necessity, if we want to listen to the surprising Drums of Silence in good conditions. The drums have been prepared to reconcile forcefulness and subtlety, rowdiness and silence.
The drummers play, but at the beginning nothing is heard. Suddenly we begin to detect the muffled rumour of the drumbeats. With great discretion, that rumour creates a layer of sound over the quiet atmosphere, as if it were part of the silence. The piece evolves, moving through different gradations of sound, from the inaudible to the almost threatening forcefulness of a multitude of drums that sound very far, as if behind some distant mountains, but that are really being played before our very eyes.